Extend Oil Life by 4 Times!

Oil contains smart additives which hold contaminants in suspension, the oil becomes saturated with these contaminants & acids which then continue to circulate around the engine.  Engine oil filters are typically 20 microns (Nominal).  Anything over 5 microns will damage bearings.  If you remove the contaminants and the acids the oil can potentially last many 1000's of hours. 

The EDI Lube Oil Purifier pays for itself in Two Oil changes!

EDI Lube Oil Purifier 

EDI Lube Oil Purifier 


Winner Seaworks International Spirit of Innovation & Marine Engineering Category 2014


how the edi purifier works

The EDI Lube Oil Purifier is a clear two stage process.  

Although the first stage of the process is through a traditional 2 micron absolute filter, it is the second stage that a new to the industry process is carried out.  In this stage the oil flows over a patented heated plate where water & gaseous acids from combustion, fuel dilution etc., are evaporated.  

The additional removal of these liquid and gaseous contaminants means oil life can be considerably increased over the traditional methods that only remove the suspended contaminates.


EDI installed on Diesel Engine.